About Ritz

Established in 2004

Ritz Flooring is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Our main focus over the years has been manufacturing and selling a flooring product that is economical, high-quality, and budget-friendly. High foot traffic properties such as healthcare facilities and apartment buildings demand flooring that is classic and long-lasting. To suit these needs, enter Ritz Flooring with SPC and LVT flooring.

Today, Ritz Flooring is a manufacturing corporation providing originally designed flooring solutions to businesses across North America, from large commercial facilities including nursing homes and hospitals to multi-unit residential communities, and beyond.

We are a team of people who encourage innovation, creativity, and collaboration. The success of our company and the success of our team go hand-in-hand. Our core philosophy is simple: Invest in people, and they’ll return your investment in dividends. We encourage growth as a whole as well as individual growth by developing a unique skill set. We inspire success through challenges and advancement in our professional and personal lives.

We bring to you not only experience and unmatched service, but style, quality, and an extensive color selection fitting any desired color palette. Our goal is to deliver endless inspiration and the most perfect floors for your design project. We can’t wait to work together and make you a part of our Ritz Flooring family today.


Ritz Flooring Inc. is dedicated to providing quality materials, exceptional customer service and professional installation within a team oriented environment.


We strive to maximize the potential of our customers, of our people, of our company, and of our communities.
